Well bloggers, my curse of fair skin and sunburns continues. My entire back, save for where my bikini top tied and the top of my bottom were, is BRIGHT red! So very very painful....very painful. Apparently whoever I trusted to do my back at the beach yesterday did not do a very good job..at all. But it was totally her fault, those spray on sunscreens dont work as well as well as the lotion I was using on the rest of my body. So now I carry a bottle of aloe gel with me around the house and wince in pain with just about ever movement. Aahhh summer...
Although, I got burned so bad its actually making me a bit sick. My mom was putting more aloe on my back last night before she went to sleep, and while I was standing up,I started to feel kinda sick, and I got really lightheaded and had to sit down on my bed for a while. Awesome. Oh well, Ill be all better soon and then my biggest worry will be how to straighten out this burn tan. And I just fixed my last one...dammit.
Been getting really into 5 Finger Death Punch lately (thank you Alex), they are quickly becoming one of my favorite bands, without a doubt. I sooo need to put both albums on my ipod, and soon. But that requires going through my library, yet again, and deleting any songs I think I wont listen to anymore because about 2 months back I finally ran out of room on my ipod...so sad. And I just dont think I can manage to delete 28 songs to make room for both cds....plus I finally managed to find a position where I can sit up with my back against my pillows and it doesnt hurt. Hell no am I getting up and looking for my ipod then coming back and having to find that position again. That would hurt, and most likely be unsuccessful.
Ill do it some other time, because I really want these songs on my ipod.
But I am sooo tired. My insomnia has been in full swing lately. Sunday night I had to force myself to try and go to sleep around 2-ish in the morning, because Sarah Katie and I were leaving for the beach early on Monday, and I was getting up at 7. I dont know when I actually managed to fall asleep, but it wasnt quickly. Last night I was so drained from the sun and my burn and feeling sick, I managed to fall asleep around 10:30 (I was shocked), but my back hurt so bad it kept waking me up, and I couldnt fall back to sleep after I woke up around 9 this morning, so I am sooo tired.
But thats all I have to say right now interneters...
Peace and Love
Stay Classy
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