Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Aannddd Im back in history class. This is so pointless. Ive given up on taking notes and am now facebook creeping peoples photos. Like, hardcore. :) I really dont care about the Reagan scandal, sorry Mr. Courduroy-Jacket-Teacher-Man,(You would think by the end of the semester I would know my teachers names....but no)sorry. Facebook and texting are just soooooooooo much more interesting!

Ugh, I thought I was going to be good today and stick to and really enforce my diet today...I think Im just doomed to be fat :( Which is rather a bad thing since my fashion show is friday night. For those of you who cant count out there, thats three days from now. Arrrggggggggg

I want ice cream.
NO! Dammit! ......

I really want to get involved in Habitat For Humanity. If I end up coming back to CCSU next year thats the first thing Im going to do. That and join CAN, I really wanted to get involved with that too, but I never did. I just did freshman year here all wrong. One person had a huge impact on how messed up my first 2 semesters were in particular...ugh, dont even want to think about it right now.

OMG fashion show on friday!!!!!!!!! I am soooooo excited!! Omg I cant wait for this, its going to be soooo much fun!! :D :D And the afterparty is going to be bangin too, haha, ohmygoodness I juts cant wait.

12 minutes left....

9 minutes left.....

Stupid Cold War....

_ _
( \/ )
\ /

Whoo! :)

6 minutes left....
Think Im a little anxious to get out of this class?

(- . - )zzzz...

Sleepy cat...
Fuck Im bored.

Ok, 2 minutes left, time to pack up the laptop (Yayyyyyy)
Love you all!!!

Peace and Love
Stay Classy

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