Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Too much going round in my head...

For some reason this song is just like explaining how I feel perfectly right now, like I just keep listening to it over and over again on my iPod:


Hopefully that link will work.
But IDK interneters, I just feel so strange and kinda sad right now. I dont want to leave Central and go back home where I have less freedom and cant make my own decisions, but at the same time since there is like, a %98 chance that I will not be returning to Central next semester its kinda depressing me staying here and Im ready to move on. I feel kinda torn between to places. I dunno.

Ughhh, fucking finals!! I have my PE final tomorrow during our regular class time so we dont have to come in during final week (thank you teacher-man) and I need to do good on it so I can pass the class. But of course I am so sick today, I didnt go to any of my classes, I just feel like total shit. So studying has been tortuous. Im getting it done in little spurts, but my mind is so cloudy and there is so much else going on up there I dunno if it will be enough. Def going to have to get up early tomorrow morning to study more, dunno if thats going to go over too well either.
And then next week during actual final week I have a final a day tuesday-friday, move back home friday night. Ugh, soooo stressed. Starting the week with my english final (fuck) and ending it with my math final (double fuck), with bio and history in between (serious fml...) Im just screwed....

Ughh, dont really know what else to write now...Im so out of it. Maybe a nap will help me feel better.

Sweet dreams internet.

Peace and Love
Stay Classy

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